It has been 4 years since the passing of my baby brother, Donald.
A few weeks ago I was phoneless in Denver looking for a nice spot to meditate. It was a considerable undertaking to know what limits with and without a phone were. I was straight up just wandering and it was dope.
I brought this laptop to use at times only when I’m back at the hotel. Other than that, I’ve been carrying around this composition book for valuable records–and to avoid cycles of instant forget/instant regret when it comes to the spontaneous genius that instantly evaporates when I have my phone in my palm. Not having one flips the switch to ADVENTURE MODE and commits me to find my way when I’m lost. I ask more questions. I look at more bus maps. I’m activated into a different social set of decision-making.
A gentleman at the Whole Foods suggested I meditate at CONFLUENCE PARK. His nametag read Don. I chose this to be a message from The Great beyond. This was the unfiltered connection I was searching for.
I love you babybro and I miss you. Your energy and high vibrations are the reason why I carry on and persist.

Rest in 🌴🌴🌴 Donald
3/2/1990 ~ 9/5/2018
Time to get another phone.